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Antrodia Cinnamomea Candy

台灣之寶牛樟芝喉糖 Antrodia Cinnamomea
我們的保健食品 Our Health Supplements

我們的保健食品 Our Health Supplements

以植物為原材料,按需要,經過物理、化學提取分離過程,定向獲取和濃集植物中的多種有效成分,而不改變其有效成分結構而形成的產品。 The raw material of our products are made up of fruit. Through physical and chemical separation process, we extract useful substances without changing it's original substance and structure.

納豆益生菌 Natto Probiotics

納豆益生菌 Natto Probiotics

納豆益生菌對於那些患有腸道菌群失調的人,是一種理想的營養補充。 Natto probiotics is an ideal supplement for those that suffer from imbalance of gut flora.

鳳梨酵素 Bromelain (60顆膠囊 Capsule)

鳳梨酵素 Bromelain (60顆膠囊 Capsule)

鳳梨酵素是由鳳梨莖部經生物技術萃取、純化而得的混和物。 Bromelain is an extract mixture from pineapple stem using biotechnology after extraction and purification.



鳳梨酵素+膠原胜肽 Bromelain+Collagen Peptide

鳳梨酵素+膠原胜肽 Bromelain+Collagen Peptide

鳳梨酵素是由鳳梨莖部經生物技術萃取、純化而得的混和物。 膠原胜肽萃取自台灣新鮮魚鱗:安全、衛生、吸收效果較佳! Bromelain is an extract mixture from pineapple stem using biotechnology after extraction and purification. Collagen peptide is extracted from fresh fish scale in Taiwan: safe, fresh, and better absorption.

鳳梨酵素+Collagen Peptide說明

鳳梨酵素+Collagen Peptide說明

鳳梨酵素+膠原胜肽 Bromelain+Collagen Peptide

鳳梨酵素+膠原胜肽 Bromelain+Collagen Peptide

鳳梨酵素是由鳳梨莖部經生物技術萃取、純化而得的混和物。 膠原胜肽萃取自台灣新鮮魚鱗:安全、衛生、吸收效果較佳! Bromelain is an extract mixture from pineapple stem using biotechnology after extraction and purification. Collagen peptide is extracted from fresh fish scale in Taiwan: safe, fresh, and better absorption.

牛樟芝喉糖 Antrodia Cinnamomea Candy

牛樟芝喉糖 Antrodia Cinnamomea Candy

牛樟芝喉糖選用最高品質的牛樟芝,配合獨家配方精製而成,可潤喉退火、生津止渴。 Antrodia Cinnamomea Candy chose the best quality antrodia cinnamomea, manufactured in an exclusive and refined formula.



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